The Women’s Law Association of Ontario
The WLAO is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to advancing issues and causes relevant to women in the legal profession through education and awareness programs.
The WLAO has existed since 1919 as a vibrant, active voice for women in the profession and a vital resource to members in their pursuit of fulfilling and successful careers in law.
The WLAO provides valuable networking opportunities via social and educational events in a professional and supportive environment.
We welcome all Ontario based law students, lawyers and judges as members.

Our Mission
The WLAO is dedicated to empowering women in the legal profession by providing a collective voice and advocating for equality, diversity and change.
After operating as an unincorporated association since 1919, The WLAO was incorporated by Letters Patent dated July 17, 2007 and began operating as a not for profit corporation on August 1, 2008. There are now nine directors and several committees to oversee the carrying out of The WLAO’s initiatives.